Package controllers

Class CommitteeController

    • Constructor Detail

      • CommitteeController

        public CommitteeController()
        Default constructor for CommitteeController class
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start​(Committee committee,
                          Camp camp)
        Starts the committee controller, allows the committee member to perform various actions related to specific camp.\
        committee - The committee member associated with this controller
        camp - The camp for which the committee actions are performed.
      • viewEnquiries

        private void viewEnquiries​(IEnquiryView enquiryView)
        Displays a list of enquiries associated with the given camp that the Committee is associated with
        enquiryView - The view is responsible for displaying enquiry information regarding the camp.
      • replyToEnquiries

        private void replyToEnquiries​(IEnquiryView enquiryView)
        Allows the committee to reply to a selected enquiry
        enquiryView - The view that is responsible for displaying enquiry information regarding the camp
      • viewSuggestions

        private void viewSuggestions​(ISuggestionView suggestionView)
        Displays a list of suggestions associated with the given camp that the Committee is associated with
        suggestionView - The view is responsible for displaying suggestion information regarding the camp.
      • submitSuggestion

        private void submitSuggestion()
        Submits a suggestion for the associated camp
      • editSuggestion

        private void editSuggestion()
        Edits a selected suggestion's question. The committee member is prompted to provide the new question.
      • deleteSuggestion

        private void deleteSuggestion()
        Method to delete suggestion
      • generateReport

        private void generateReport()
        Generates a report for the associated camp based on user-selected filters. Filters include attendees only, camp committee only, or both.