Package model.user

Class Committee

  • public class Committee
    extends Student
    This class Committee represents committee member of a camp, extending the properties of the class Student. Committee members are students who actively participate in camps and accrue points.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private int campID
      Identifier of the camp where the committee member is associated.
      private int point
      Points accrued by the committee member.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Committee​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String email, Schools faculty, boolean firstLogin, int campID)
      Constructor of class Committee
      Committee​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String email, Schools faculty, boolean firstLogin, int campID, int point)
      Create an object of the Committee class
    • Field Detail

      • campID

        private int campID
        Identifier of the camp where the committee member is associated.
      • point

        private int point
        Points accrued by the committee member.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Committee

        public Committee​(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String password,
                         java.lang.String userID,
                         java.lang.String email,
                         Schools faculty,
                         boolean firstLogin,
                         int campID)
        Constructor of class Committee
        name - Name of the committee member.
        password - Password of the committee member.
        userID - User ID of the committee member.
        email - Email of the committee member.
        faculty - Faculty to which the committee member belongs.
        firstLogin - Flag indicating whether it's the committee member's first login.
        campID - Identifier of the camp where the committee member is associated.
      • Committee

        public Committee​(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String password,
                         java.lang.String userID,
                         java.lang.String email,
                         Schools faculty,
                         boolean firstLogin,
                         int campID,
                         int point)
        Create an object of the Committee class
        name - Name of the committee member.
        password - Password of the committee member.
        userID - User ID of the committee member.
        email - Email of the committee member.
        faculty - Faculty to which the committee member belongs.
        firstLogin - Flag indicating whether it's the committee member's first login.
        campID - Identifier of the camp where the committee member is associated.
        point - Points accrued by the committee member.
    • Method Detail

      • getCampID

        public int getCampID()
        Gets the identifier of the camp where the committee member is associated.
        The identifier of the camp where the committee member is associated.
      • setCampID

        public void setCampID​(int campID)
        Sets the identifier of the camp where the committee member is associated.
        campID - The identifier to set for the camp where the committee member is associated.
      • getPoint

        public int getPoint()
        Gets the points accrued by the committee member.
        The points accrued by the committee member.
      • setPoint

        public void setPoint​(int point)
        Sets the points accrued by the committee member.
        point - The points to set for the committee member.