Package interfaces

Interface IEnquiryCommitteeService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IEnquiryCommitteeService
    The IEnquiryCommitteeService interface defines the contract for services related to camp enquiries for committee members. It provides methods to view enquiries for a specific camp and reply to those enquiries.
    • Method Detail

      • viewEnquiries

        java.util.ArrayList<Enquiry> viewEnquiries​(Camp camp)
        Retrieves a list of enquiries associated with the provided camp.
        camp - The camp for which enquiries are to be viewed.
        An ArrayList of Enquiry objects representing the enquiries for the specified camp.
      • replyToEnquiry

        boolean replyToEnquiry​(Enquiry enquiry,
                               java.lang.String reply)
        Replies to a specific enquiry with the given reply text.
        enquiry - The Enquiry object representing the enquiry to which the reply is made.
        reply - The text of the reply to the enquiry.
        true if the reply is successfully added, false otherwise.