
Class Suggestion

  • public class Suggestion
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class Suggestion is related to camp within the system Suggestions are made by committee member and can be approaved or reject by staff in charge for the camp.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private int campID
      Identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
      private java.lang.String commiteeID
      Identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
      private java.lang.String question
      Question or description of the suggestion.
      private java.lang.String replierID
      Identifier of the replier (usually a staff member).
      private java.lang.String reply
      Reply or response to the suggestion.
      private SuggestionStatus status
      Status of the suggestion, indicating whether it's Processing, Approved, or Rejected.
      private int suggestionID
      Unique identifier for the suggestion.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Suggestion​(int enquiryID, int campID, java.lang.String committeeID, java.lang.String question)
      Constructor for class Suggestion
      Suggestion​(int enquiryID, int campID, java.lang.String committeeID, java.lang.String question, java.lang.String reply, java.lang.String replierID, SuggestionStatus status)
      Constructor for class Suggestion
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean approveSuggestion​(java.lang.String reply, java.lang.String replierID, boolean approve)
      Approves or rejects the suggestion and sets the reply and status accordingly.
      int getCampID()
      Gets the identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
      java.lang.String getCommiteeID()
      Gets the identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
      java.lang.String getQuestion()
      Gets the description of the suggestion.
      java.lang.String getReplierID()
      Gets the identifier of the replier (Staff incharge).
      java.lang.String getReply()
      Gets the response to the suggestion.
      SuggestionStatus getStatus()
      Gets the status of the suggestion.
      int getSuggestionID()
      Gets the unique identifier of the suggestion.
      void setAnswers​(java.lang.String reply)
      Sets the response to the suggestion.
      void setCampID​(int campID)
      Sets the identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
      void setCommiteeID​(java.lang.String commiteeID)
      Sets the identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
      void setQuestion​(java.lang.String question)
      Sets the description of the suggestion.
      void setReplierID​(java.lang.String replierID)
      Sets the identifier of the replier (usually a staff member).
      void setStatus​(SuggestionStatus processing)
      Sets the status of the suggestion.
      void setSuggestionID​(int suggestionID)
      Sets the unique identifier of the suggestion.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • suggestionID

        private int suggestionID
        Unique identifier for the suggestion.
      • campID

        private int campID
        Identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
      • commiteeID

        private java.lang.String commiteeID
        Identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
      • question

        private java.lang.String question
        Question or description of the suggestion.
      • reply

        private java.lang.String reply
        Reply or response to the suggestion.
      • replierID

        private java.lang.String replierID
        Identifier of the replier (usually a staff member).
      • status

        private SuggestionStatus status
        Status of the suggestion, indicating whether it's Processing, Approved, or Rejected.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Suggestion

        public Suggestion​(int enquiryID,
                          int campID,
                          java.lang.String committeeID,
                          java.lang.String question)
        Constructor for class Suggestion
        enquiryID - Unique identifier for the suggestion.
        campID - Identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
        committeeID - Identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
        question - Description of the suggestion.
      • Suggestion

        public Suggestion​(int enquiryID,
                          int campID,
                          java.lang.String committeeID,
                          java.lang.String question,
                          java.lang.String reply,
                          java.lang.String replierID,
                          SuggestionStatus status)
        Constructor for class Suggestion
        enquiryID - Unique identifier for the suggestion.
        campID - Identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
        committeeID - Identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
        question - Description of the suggestion.
        reply - Response to the suggestion.
        replierID - Identifier of the replier (usually a staff member).
        status - Status of the suggestion, indicating whether it's Processing, Approved, or Rejected.
    • Method Detail

      • getSuggestionID

        public int getSuggestionID()
        Gets the unique identifier of the suggestion.
        The unique identifier of the suggestion.
      • setSuggestionID

        public void setSuggestionID​(int suggestionID)
        Sets the unique identifier of the suggestion.
        suggestionID - The unique identifier to set for the suggestion.
      • getCampID

        public int getCampID()
        Gets the identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
        The identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
      • setCampID

        public void setCampID​(int campID)
        Sets the identifier of the camp associated with the suggestion.
        campID - The identifier to set for the camp associated with the suggestion.
      • getCommiteeID

        public java.lang.String getCommiteeID()
        Gets the identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
        The identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
      • setCommiteeID

        public void setCommiteeID​(java.lang.String commiteeID)
        Sets the identifier of the committee member who made the suggestion.
        commiteeID - The identifier to set for the committee member who made the suggestion.
      • getQuestion

        public java.lang.String getQuestion()
        Gets the description of the suggestion.
        The description of the suggestion.
      • setQuestion

        public void setQuestion​(java.lang.String question)
        Sets the description of the suggestion.
        question - The description to set for the suggestion.
      • getReply

        public java.lang.String getReply()
        Gets the response to the suggestion.
        The response to the suggestion.
      • setAnswers

        public void setAnswers​(java.lang.String reply)
        Sets the response to the suggestion.
        reply - The response to set for the suggestion.
      • getReplierID

        public java.lang.String getReplierID()
        Gets the identifier of the replier (Staff incharge).
        The identifier of the replier (Staff incharge).
      • setReplierID

        public void setReplierID​(java.lang.String replierID)
        Sets the identifier of the replier (usually a staff member).
        replierID - The identifier to set for the replier (usually a staff member).
      • approveSuggestion

        public boolean approveSuggestion​(java.lang.String reply,
                                         java.lang.String replierID,
                                         boolean approve)
        Approves or rejects the suggestion and sets the reply and status accordingly.
        reply - The reply or response to the suggestion.
        replierID - The identifier of the replier.
        approve - True if the suggestion is approved, false if rejected.
        True if the suggestion is successfully approved or rejected, false otherwise.
      • getStatus

        public SuggestionStatus getStatus()
        Gets the status of the suggestion.
        The status of the suggestion.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(SuggestionStatus processing)
        Sets the status of the suggestion.
        processing - The status to set for the suggestion.