Package controllers

Class StaffController

  • public class StaffController
    extends UserController
    The StaffController class provides methods to manage staff related functionalities in the CAMS application. It includes operations such as changing passwords, creating and managing camps, handling enquiries and suggestions, and generating reports.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor for the StaffContoller class
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private void approveSuggestion​(ISuggestionView suggestionView)
      Staff can approve or reject a selected suggestion and provides a response.
      private void createCamps()
      Allows staff to create multiple camps by providing information: camp name, dates, registration due date, schools, location, total slots, description and visibility
      private void deleteCamp()
      Deletes a specific camp, including all associated data (enquiries, suggestions).
      private void editCamp()
      Edits the details of a specific camp, allowing staff to modify various attributes such as name, dates, closing date, schools, location, total slots, and description.
      private void generateCampReport()
      Staff can generate a detailed report for a specific camp, including information about attendees and camp committee members.
      private void generatePerformanceReport()
      Staff members can generate a performance report for a specific camp.
      private void replyToEnquiries​(IEnquiryView enquiryView)
      Staff to reply to a selected enquiry with response.
      void start()
      Starts the staff user session, providing access to various staff specific functionalities.
      private void toggleCamp()
      Toggles the visibility of selected camps.
      private void viewAllCamps​(ICampView campView)
      Displays all camps regardless who is the creator, providing detailed information about each camp.
      private void viewEnquiries​(IEnquiryView enquiryView)
      Displays enquiries from all camps created by current staff, providing details about each enquiry.
      private void viewSuggestion​(ISuggestionView suggestionView)
      Displays suggestions from all camps created by staff, providing details about each suggestion.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • StaffController

        public StaffController()
        Default constructor for the StaffContoller class
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
        Starts the staff user session, providing access to various staff specific functionalities.
      • viewAllCamps

        private void viewAllCamps​(ICampView campView)
        Displays all camps regardless who is the creator, providing detailed information about each camp.
        campView - The view interface that displays the camp details
      • createCamps

        private void createCamps()
        Allows staff to create multiple camps by providing information: camp name, dates, registration due date, schools, location, total slots, description and visibility
      • editCamp

        private void editCamp()
        Edits the details of a specific camp, allowing staff to modify various attributes such as name, dates, closing date, schools, location, total slots, and description.
      • deleteCamp

        private void deleteCamp()
        Deletes a specific camp, including all associated data (enquiries, suggestions). Staff members need to confirm their intention to delete a camp.
      • toggleCamp

        private void toggleCamp()
        Toggles the visibility of selected camps. Staff members can choose to make camps visible or invisible.
      • viewEnquiries

        private void viewEnquiries​(IEnquiryView enquiryView)
        Displays enquiries from all camps created by current staff, providing details about each enquiry.
        enquiryView - The view interface for displaying enquiry details.
      • replyToEnquiries

        private void replyToEnquiries​(IEnquiryView enquiryView)
        Staff to reply to a selected enquiry with response.
        enquiryView - The view interface for displaying enquiry details.
      • viewSuggestion

        private void viewSuggestion​(ISuggestionView suggestionView)
        Displays suggestions from all camps created by staff, providing details about each suggestion.
        suggestionView - The view interface for displaying suggestion details.
      • approveSuggestion

        private void approveSuggestion​(ISuggestionView suggestionView)
        Staff can approve or reject a selected suggestion and provides a response. Staff need to confirm their decision.
        suggestionView - The view interface for displaying suggestion details.
      • generatePerformanceReport

        private void generatePerformanceReport()
        Staff members can generate a performance report for a specific camp. Staff members can choose to filter the report for attendees only, camp committee only, or both.
      • generateCampReport

        private void generateCampReport()
        Staff can generate a detailed report for a specific camp, including information about attendees and camp committee members.